
1 html document

title: "rmarkdown_pdf"    
author: "Sébastien Renaut"    
date: '2018-09-06'    
    toc: yes 
    theme: cerulean 

2 Microsoft Word

title: "rmarkdown_docx"  
author: "Sébastien Renaut"  
date: '2018-09-06'  
    toc: yes

3 Portable Document Format (.pdf)

title: "rmarkdown_pdf"    
author: "Sébastien Renaut"    
date: '2018-09-06'    
    keep_tex: true
    toc: yes  

3.1 LaTeX

  • LaTeX software is a high-quality typesetting system.

  • It is the de facto standard for the communication and publication of scientific documents.

  • LaTeX is available as a free software.

  • If interested, follow this discussion: Why LaTeX is such a bloated system?

  • So…TinyTeX
    • A custom LaTeX distribution that is small in size (~150MB) but functions well in most cases, especially for R users .
    • tinytex is an R studio package that installs TinyTeX.
  • You should now have all the tools to generate your fully reproducible manuscripts in R!

4 Exercice 1


5 Further customization

5.1 rticles

  • R packages rticles is a (potentially) useful package to format articles according to the specification of a journal.
  • Once installed, you can start a new R markdown document according to your journal of interest.



  • Right now, few templates available.

  • Some templates may be slower to render, depending on what LaTeX package need to be installed.

5.2 LaTeX template: manuscript

  • This allows further options in the .Rmd file when going from .tex file to .pdf.

  • You can build your own .tex template if you know LaTeX…

  • But, there are also many templates available on the web that you can use.

  • Here is one I like for manuscripts (Thanks svmiller on )

    • For example, using this template, I am writing a scientific paper entirely in R markdown.


    • The only real objection I see against writing manuscript in R markdown is integrating the comments of co-authors.

5.3 LaTeX template: CV

  • Here is a template I like for Curriculum Vitae

    • For example, using this template, I re-wrote my CV to give it a fresh look!


  • Let’s briefly examine and knit the svm-rmarkdown-cv.Rmd file in the reference_material directory.

6 Presentations

title: "Untitled"
author: "Sebastien Renaut"
date: "27/02/2019"
output: ioslides_presentation

7 Bookdown